
How To Blush Without Makeup

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Though any set of cheeks can exist beautiful, for many, a pair of soft, supple, rosy cheeks are seen a sign of youth and beauty. While there isn't much you can practise to change the cheeks you lot were born with, there are a few like shooting fish in a barrel tips and tricks that tin can help you make your cheeks a little pinker and bring out their natural glow. Use these simple methods to give your cheeks an extra nuance of colour!

  1. i

    Apply beetroot. Don't want to shell out your hard-earned cash on expensive makeup? Try one of these home remedies. You lot may already accept the ingredients in your kitchen (at worst, y'all may need to brand a trip to the grocery shop.) For example, beetroot, which is often sold at health food stores, contains a powerful ruby-red paint — in fact, before in history, it was used as a dye. Advisedly rubbing beetroot on your cheeks can give them a subtle pink hue, though information technology's important not to over-utilize this strong dye.

    • Be gentle when using beetroot, as its natural dyes can hands stain fabrics.
    • Remove beetroot from your cheeks past rubbing with a slice of lemon.
  2. 2

    Add together grape or pomegranate juice to your face rub for color. Mixing only a splash of a crimson-colored fruit juice (like grape or pomegranate) into your daily facial rub or lotion is 1 like shooting fish in a barrel fashion to give your production mild "rosy" properties. Plus, it commonly smells bang-up. Add together only a small dash of your juice — no more than a teaspoon or and then. Using besides much can go out yous with a watery rub that leaves your cheeks feeling sticky once it dries.


  3. 3

    Apply vegetable oil to requite your cheeks a healthy glow. Mild, not-greasy vegetable oils accept long been used to requite the skin an bonny natural "glow." In fact, the aboriginal Romans used olive oil as a sort of skin lotion to make themselves look good after bathing.[ane] Y'all tin can get the same upshot today past rubbing a small dot of vegetable oil into each cheek — the natural sheen you lot go will bring out your cheeks' gorgeous natural complexion. Below are a few oils that are generally safe for this sort of use:

    • Grapeseed oil
    • Olive oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Apricot kernel oil
    • Note:If yous get acne easily, you may want to exist cautious with this method, as some greasier oils can clog pores and atomic number 82 to outbreaks.
  4. 4

    Utilise a rose petal rub. If yous're looking to pamper yourself, consider a rose petal rub. The natural pigments in the petals will help add colour to your cheeks and, if you're using petals from a fragrant rose, they'll have a natural perfuming result.

    • To make your rose petal rub, combine about half a loving cup of rose petals with 1 cup of sugar, 1/ii cup of virgin kokosnoot oil (or one of the oils above), and almost twenty drops of essential rose oil if y'all have it. Mix the ingredients, grinding the rose petals into the mixture every bit yous become (a mortar and pestle or nutrient processor tin be helpful here.) Gently rub the mixture onto your cheeks after bathing, then rinse off and pat dry.


  1. one

    Apply light blush for a subtle glow. Let's face information technology — sometimes, cheeks simply refuse to be cooperative. If you lot can't go pinker cheeks with the tricks above, try using a piffling blush to give your cheeks a boost! Start calorie-free by calculation simply a petty blush. Recall, you tin can easily add more than, but it can be a pain to remove your blush and get-go over if you add too much.

    • There's no single "right" blazon of makeup to apply — what looks good on one person may non look good on another. However, if you lot're a makeup beginner, it's generally a practiced thought to start with a balmy pink chroma, which can contain hints of gold or peach if you similar. These shades are a good general choice because they complement nearly all peel tones.
    • See our blush article for tips on applying your makeup.
  2. two

    Use medium blush to define your cheeks. The more than blush you add, the more noticeable your "rosy cheek" upshot will be. If you'd like to bring out your cheeks a little more afterward applying your first lite dusting,experience complimentary to do then, merely be wary of applying too much.

    • Every bit a general dominion, people with very light skin should be careful about the amount of blush they utilize. Because a stake complexion makes makeup more noticeable, it can be easy to use too much blush (though there are plenty of exceptions to this rule.)
  3. 3

    Apply heavy blush for a bold effect. Applying lots of chroma will certainly give y'all rosy cheeks, but if yous don't residuum your blush with the rest of your makeup and your outfit, information technology can easily distract from your natural beauty. Overly-heavy applications of blush tin requite an artificial, doll-like appearance, peculiarly to people with very light pare.


  1. 1

    Exfoliate. Many beauty magazines recommend a regular regimen of facial exfoliation to keep your cheeks pink. The reasoning behind this is that exfoliation helps remove expressionless skin cells that can requite your face a "dull," cold appearance.

    • If you have one, effort using an exfoliating cream or rub (preferably one that contains a moisturizer) to clean your face every morning.
    • If yous don't, no worries — yous can brand your own with olive oil and carbohydrate.
  2. ii

    Requite yourself a facial massage. Another play a joke on that beauticians will sometimes recommend for giving yourself pink cheeks is a facial massage. Massages better circulation and increment blood catamenia to the area you massage, giving the impression of pinker cheeks.[2] While this solution is a temporary ane, it'southward ane that'due south very quick and easy to practice on your ain.

    • To give yourself a facial massage, close your optics, get into a comfortable position, and bring your hands up to your confront. Use the tips of your fingers to press into the peel of your face, starting at the top of your forehead and gradually working your style down to your chin. Spend actress fourth dimension on your cheeks, gently kneading and pressing them to increment blood menstruum.
  3. 3

    Exercise! I cinch way to get your cheeks squeamish and red is to merely do a trivial practice. It's no secret that activities like playing sports, jogging, lifting weights, and doing calisthenics can brand you lot flushed — generally, the more than intense the exercise, the brighter your cheeks will be.

    • Annotation however, that a regular practise routine can actually make information technology harder for you to get rosy cheeks in the long run. If you're able to reduce your claret pressure level with steady exercise (which, by the way, is a good affair!), the capillaries in your cheeks responsible for giving you pinkish cheeks won't fill with blood during do as easily.
  4. 4

    Stay warm. Keeping yourself warm and cozy in cold atmospheric condition can sometime have the side effect of giving you pink cheeks. When your body temperature is hot, the body automatically redirects blood from the within of your body to the claret vessels well-nigh the surface. This blood causes your cheeks (and probable other parts of your body) to get a reddish or pink tinge.

    • Don't go overboard here — wearing a warm coat in winter is a expert idea, simply deliberately subjecting yourself to uncomfortably high temperatures tin be unsafe. Cool off right away if yous kickoff to sweat profusely or feel light-headed.
  5. 5

    Rinse your face up with warm water. A dainty facial rinse doesn't just feel great — it can besides give your cheeks a "splash" of pinkish! Heating upward the skin of your face with warm water causes the body to direct more blood in that location. This actress blood can make your cheeks a petty pinker with very little attempt on your part.


In addition to the tricks above, in that location are a huge variety of "home remedies" on the internet that their creators claim make cheeks pinker. The methods in this section accept been collected from this option of remedies, and, though their authors swear past them, they take not been officially verified, so utilize common sense when using them.

  1. ane

    Try eating a fruit-and-vegetable rich diet. Some sources claim that a diet rich in plant products can encourage rosy cheeks. The logic behind this method is that the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in these foods help the body "stay healthy" and promote good blood flow.

    • In item, green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, so on are prized because of their iron content (iron has a natural red hue — it'southward what makes your blood blood-red.)
  2. 2

    Attempt vinegar. Vinegar is a substance that appears in many supposed home remedies. According to this method'south supporters, vinegar cleans, rejuvenates, and "detoxifies" the peel. In improver, vinegar is claimed to promote skilful blood flow. Exist certain to rinse your skin afterwards using vinegar to eliminate the unpleasant smell.

    • Use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, not balsamic or red vino vinegar. Though the latter two have natural ruby-red hues, they can go out your skin feeling sticky afterwards.
  3. 3

    Try a lemon-honey rub. According to some, lemon juice'due south natural acidic properties make information technology a groovy choice for getting your skin looking great. The logic behind these claims is usually that the acid acts as a cleaning, "purifying" agent, leaving the skin feeling (and looking) clear and refreshed.

    • To make a lemon-honey rub, mix a quarter cup of lemon juice with iii-quarters cups of sugar and near a tablespoon of love. Rub the mixture onto your cheeks, allow information technology to sit for about one minute, and so remove it and rinse your confront. This rub makes a great exfoliation product too.
  4. 4

    Endeavor drinking plenty of h2o. According to some sites, simply staying well-hydrated tin can help keep your cheeks rosy. Drinking plenty of water does take several minor wellness benefits, including making the skin appear slightly more "full" and supple.[iii] By this logic, drinking enough of water can give y'all an attractive set of cheeks past bringing out their natural shape, which may make them announced rosier.

    • While everyone's needs are different, most wellness authorities will recommend nigh eight 8-ounce spectacles of water per day (near two liters total) for optimal health.[4]
  5. v

    Endeavor taking vitamins Due east and C. Though their effectiveness isn't certain, vitamin supplements appear in many, many lists of rosy cheek home remedies. These vitamins are claimed to increment the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, leading to a healthier overall appearance and a natural "glow."

    • Note: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that information technology takes a long fourth dimension for your body to go rid of. Considering of this, it's possible to toxicant yourself if y'all take lots of vitamin E supplements (the amount you become from your daily nutrient shouldn't ever be dangerous.) As a very general rule, adults shouldn't take more than than 400 IU (International Units) of vitamin East per mean solar day — using more than than this can cause serious side effects.[v]
    • On the other manus, it's very difficult to take unhealthy amounts of vitamin C considering information technology is water-soluble, which means it's easy for your body to get rid of.


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  • Question

    Will drinking 8 glasses of milk give me rosy cheeks?

    Katherine Chiang

    Katherine Chiang

    Customs Respond

    Drinking milk may not make your cheeks rosier, merely staying hydrated is important. Drink 8 glasses of water or milk, and y'all will feel more energized, have fewer headaches, and make your skin and hair a little softer and healthier.

  • Question

    How do I make information technology permanent forever?

    Community Answer

    The only way to get in completely allow is to tattoo your cheeks. It is non recommended.

  • Question

    Is there any method that lasts longer than five minutes?

    Community Answer

    You lot could employ cream blush or any kind of blush. Y'all can likewise use a low-cal pinkish or corking lipstick like cream blush.

  • Question

    Could I just use apple cider vinegar without the beetroot?

    Community Answer

    The beetroot is what makes your cheeks pink. You could buy blush or cheek tint instead.

  • Question

    My uncle gives me pink cheeks when he comes to my house. How do I tell him to stop?

    Community Answer

    Just say, "Delight don't do that anymore, it makes me uncomfortable." If he doesn't listen to you, ask a parent to talk to him.

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  • The old-fashioned "pinching your cheeks" trick can merely work for a few seconds at virtually, making it an option that's little too short-lived and painful to be much use.

  • Consider seeing a cosmetologist if the tips to a higher place don't work for you. A professional may be able to help y'all discover alternate strategies to give you lot great-looking cheeks.

  • Talk to a physician if y'all have a pare status that leave you unhappy with the way your cheeks await. Medical solutions may exist a potential pick.

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About This Article

Commodity Summary 10

You tin get pink cheeks using natural remedies you may accept around the house. For example, you can rub beetroot onto your cheeks to brand them pinker. Beetroot contains a natural scarlet dye. Y'all can also mix some grape juice into your face lotion to give information technology a rosy tint. For a more natural looking glow, rub a small amount of lite vegetable oil into each cheek. Another option is to use makeup to brand your cheeks pink. Apply a low-cal blush to give them a healthy glow. If your skin is darker or you want your cheeks to stand out more, put on a medium tone blush. For tips on how to go pink cheeks by changing your diet, read on!

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